The journey to Shashamane in Ethiopia where a community of people of African heritage from the Caribbean, the USA and Great Britain have returned to live on their forefathers’ land, as sung by Bob Marley. It’s an Exodus that for some has become a haven, but for others a cage with no escape. “Shashamane” chronicles a chapter in the lengthy history of the African diaspora through the voices of men and women who have left the West 400 years after the dawn of the African slave trade, to seek their promised land.


Hebron is a city dominated by hate and violence. Out of all the occupied Palestinian territories, it’s the only one to have an Israeli settlement in the inner city: 600 settlers are protected by 2,000 Israeli soldiers in a city of 160,000 Palestinians. The existing conflict in Hebron has morphed into a war between neighbours, where the objective is to conquer one more piece of city each day, to keep the enemy at bay or simply just to endure.